I am fascinated by widening circles
But it’s not my time and I dream.
I dream of leaves about to die
People made crazy by their lost beliefs
Their sunflower stars
And their bleeding ears.
I won’t pick my time
But man, life sure pushes me hard
And I keep dreaming things:
A rosary of lights
An orgasm without bodies
Philosophical drivel.
I dream my silhouette the moon makes
Of the great leap I haven’t taken yet.
Suicida en el abismo de aguas
Me fascinan los círculos concéntricos
Pero no ha llegado mi hora y fabulo.
Fabulo las hojas por moribundas
Los locosporsus credos perdidos
Sus girasolessiderales
Y sus orejassangrantes.
No elegiré mi hora
Pero he aquí que la vida me empuja
Y sigo fabulando:
Un rosario de luces
Un orgasmo sin cuerpos
El escupitajo filosófico.
Fabulo la silueta lunar de mi gran salto
Del salto que no he dado todavía.

Jonathan Cohen is a poet and translator of Latin American poetry. His edition of Ernesto Cardenal’s Pluriverse: New and Selected Poems, is the most comprehensive collection available in English. In the fall of 2017, Peepal Tree Press was set to reissue his translation of Pedro Mir’s Countersong to Walt Whitman; and New Directions was set to publish his centennial edition of William Carlos William’s Al Que Quiere!
Juan Jennis (Colon, Matanzas, 1973) came to the US as an exile from Cuba in 1995. Ordained a priest in the Dominican order, he published his collection of epigrams Para medir los sueños (For Measuring Dreams) in 2003. It remains his only book of poetry. |