
Spar Avenue
In your corner

Count’s done
Smack the air
Spare some energy

Smoke some tea and break a cup!
Saluting belles’ vibrations
A man might as well be Moon bound
Every round till 100 makes us all contenders

Dreaming on swings in front of screens at drive-ins
singing “why-yi-yi”
Thug tears breaking loose amidst a pack of ghosts
On Beatnik nights in rings of bone and vapor trail
uppercut hearts

Down but count on the bounce-back, kiddo!
Dawn has our backs when we’re face-to-face with enigmatic nature laughing

Living poets live for it -- dead poets are dying to fight with it

High noon all day long, take in the exhaust and pass
through the smog
Deep confessions in the tight-fisted breath brawl with
the fading light

Pack the glove and chimp punch your word lineage
Cloaked and revealed through the fear veil shining sharp
with reverse Cheshire teeth

Stone cold palpitations, soul migrations
Of 1000 or more sparring heroes beating the haunts
Getting off and on this ride too often

Hanging out briefly, then becoming disappearing acts
Leaping into the woods from a movin’ train, luggin and
chuckin luggage
Serving up the mad expression Big Sur style

Still luck is on your side
Pulling you up after taking the blows
Struggling with truth and justice in the history books
Seeking mindfulness amidst spinning clocks of lost souls




Mystic Boxing Commissioner DANIEL YARYAN grew up in a movie theatre. Cinematic images, sci-fi books and comics have all influenced his poetry from an early age. Some of his heroes include poet William Everson, Beat novelist Jerry Kamstra and his grandfather Big Ray Yaryan who started the Ghost Riders Motorcycle Club of San Fernando in 1938. Yaryan is the is the producer of Sparring With Beatnik Ghosts and the publisher of Kamstra’s “Weed: Adventures of a Dope Smuggler.”