Light on mind
In darkness of pre
Dawn light rides
From Ridge to Ridge
Darkness settles
Had settled
Headlights streak
Dark intersection
Computer gone dark
Reboots into wheat field
Mid summer song
Old light galore.
this piece of
tree bark
picked up & brought
home to remember
something now
forgotten. this
piece of tree bark
birch of forgetting
now only what
it is . this piece of
birch bark.
I like the imp
in impossibility
that makes it all
(april 07)

Pierre Joris is a poet, translator, essayist
& anthologist. He has published over forty books, most
recently Aljibar II (poems) and Justifying the Margins (essays).
Recent translations include Paul Celan: Selections, and Lightduress
by Paul Celan, which received the 2005 PEN Poetry Translation
Award. With Jerome Rothenberg he edited the award-winning
anthologies Poems for the Millennium (volumes I & II).