Summer 2000


David Lehman


We have a name for it
in the South:
asshole buddies.
It means we've known
each other so long
it doesn't matter
that he's an asshole
in my opinion
or I'm an asshole
in his opinion
or whatever
And I want you to know
I'm not from the South
and you're not my buddy
and it doesn't matter.

David Lehman has been writing a poem a day as an experiment. "THE DAILY MIRROR: A JOURNAL IN POETRY, consisting of a selection of 150 of the best of his daily poems, was published by Scribner in January 2000. The poems in this issue were written since the completion of "The Daily Mirror." He is the series editor of "The Best American Poetry," which he initiated in 1988. His most recent prose book is "The Last Avant-Garde: The Making of the New York School of Poets," now in paperback (Anchor).


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