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Winter 2019/20

Marc Frazier


There: the infant in the bulb of a plant
warmed by earth: a life born to flower.

Oversized women nestle lilies, anything:
the cradle of their fleshy arms a womb.

A man’s privilege:
the macho gesture of posing mistresses for posterity.

How much he bends to his will
as he takes the gringo dollar: bold claims:

indigenous and communal man:
stock images on public spaces.

In the end a self-portrait of time’s wasting
an old man’s face: cliché on canvas.

For whom does the artist speak?
Who is who they claim to be?

Marc Frazier, an LGBTQ+ writer, is the recipient of an Illinois Arts Council Award for poetry, has been featured on Verse Daily, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and a “best of the net.” His book The Way Here and his two chapbooks are available on Amazon as well as his second full-length collection titled Each Thing Touches (Glass Lyre Press). Willingly, his third poetry book, was scheduled for publication by Adelaide Books in 2019


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