Fall/Winter 2013

Fall/Winter 2013
Hala Alyan


Jane Rosenberg LaForge

Family Business

Lynn Lifshin   

How It Slams Back

John Repp Lost
Lenny Dellarocca

Done In Chalk

Barry Spacks

Horses Under Trees

Jared Smith

Auden’s Apartment

Patience Shone I Am Ishtar
Ronald Terry


Mario Susko

Comic Relief

Kitty Jospe   Painting a Picture for Town Hall
Annie Christain

But I Have a Clean Hand

Al Ortolani

Whitman’s Varied Carols

Linda Lerner


D.R. James

At Sunrise

Jack Tricarico      The Last Passenger
Jack Tricarico      A Seasonal Thing
Jack Tricarico      Riding Insomnia
Mary Weems Monsters
Robert Peake Sometimes I Wonder What I Do
B. Z. Niditch Hart Crane’s Hour
Terri Muuss


Matt Pasca

South On Broadway

Mike Jurcovic

We Crack A Sam Adams

Colin Honnor

Seferis at Hydra

Jonathan Cohen

Delaware, O

Vincent Quatroche

Kees In The Engine

Penny Shuttle

Black Dog

Lee Slonimsky

The Amalfi Coast

Floyd Salas

That Inner Shade

Claire Ortalda

City Of Black

Hal Sirowitz


Diane Frank

Canon For Bears and Ponderosa Pines

Hettie Jones

City Ditty

Iris Woodford

Haytiming 1975

Lynn Carroll Cohen

“We Are Between The Years”

Willie James King       

Tell Them



George Guida

Interview with Valentine

Tony Walton

Punching the Moon

Aimee Herman

Faith is a House without Rent Control

Linda Saunders


Alan Semerdjian        

Two Things


Game Changer For Jupiter Hammon Unearthed

These Glorious Paupers: Herman Melville And America’s First Bohemians

Walt Whitman On The Prairie

John O’Hara’s Gold Coast Tales



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